Grace Hopper Celebration分享 - 申請篇 (part.1)
Grace Hopper Celebration (GHC)是目前專門為科技領域女性舉辦的會議中,全球規模最大的研討會,2017年共有18000人參加,每年約在每年九月至十月舉辦。我在2017年很幸運地申請上主辦組織ANITAB.org提供的獎學金,整趟旅程收穫超豐盛。在美國,這個活動是Computer Science (CS) 領域女性中超有名的研討會,但台灣知道此活動的人似乎不多,所以想用中文來分享,如果有任何問題也歡迎來信詢問唷! (
以下為2017 GHC幾個重要的時程:
2017.02.22 投出申請 (申請截止日2017.03.08)
2017.05.10 審核結果出爐
2017.07.19 會議開放註冊
2017.08.01 訂購機票
2017.10.04 會議開始
2017.10.06 會議結束
GHC於1994年由Anita Borg和Telle Whitney所舉辦,目的是集結在CS領域的女性,並以「COBOL之母&Debug之母 - Grace Hopper」來命名 (就是她的電腦裡面有蟲XD)。GHC從500人的會議成長成18000人的規模,Anita Borg在1995年時,提到「希望在2020年,CS領域的男女比可以是50:50」,希望2020前真的能達到目標!。
- 會議舉辦期間,須是全職在學學生,且就讀computer science學位或相關領域 (例如電機、數學等)
- 不能是2017的得獎者 (所以我今年就無法申請了QQ)
- 必須年滿18歲
- (我只條列幾項重要限制,其餘可洽官網)
整個申請過程只要上官方的網站填寫資料即可!2018年的申請在Anita Borg博士的生日January 17開跑囉!截止日期為March 7, 2018 at 5 p.m. PT。
Grace Hopper Celebration
Sep. 26–28, 2018 @ Houston, Texas
- Applicant Information:基本的聯絡資訊
- Additional Applicant Information:年齡、種族和學位等資訊
- Demographics:國籍、居住地等
- Education and Career Information:就學狀況、研究領域等
- Attendance and Scholarship Information:之前是否有參與GHC的經驗
- Essay Question:回答兩個問題
- Tell us why you want to attend GHC, what type of impact will being at a conference focused on women in computing have on you? (maximum 200 words)
- How will you share your experience at GHC with others? What type of impact will your experience at GHC have on others in your community? (maximum 200 words):
- CV / Resume:履歷
- Unofficial Transcript:成績單
- Recommender Information:推薦者聯絡資訊
大部分都是基本資料,比較需要準備的就兩個問題的essay和推薦信。第一題我就依我動機段落提到的想法來寫,第二題則是提到我會在實驗室meeting分享,並寫部落格分享心得 (還債中?!XD)。推薦信的部分,獎學金方會寄推薦信填寫的連結給推薦者,所以要先寄信詢問推薦者是否能幫忙,之後才填寫在申請表格填上聯絡資訊,送出後記得再提醒推薦者。我是請指導教授幫忙 (成大信箱將申請相關的信件判定為垃圾信,大家可能要留意一下),向教授請求推薦信的注意事項可以參考這篇。
- 註冊費
- 印象中要一兩萬的台幣
- 機票
- international (美國以外) 的得獎者,最高補助1900 USD
- 住宿
- 住在離會場最近的飯店,會和另一名獲獎著住兩人房
- 生活費
- meal card:150 USD會議期間,可用來購買會場內的食物 (其實會議場地也有小點心可以吃,這部分的錢很難花完XD,最後一天大家都拿來買飲料,或是請其他參與者吃飯)
- debit card:美國得獎者300 USD,international得獎者500 USD (VISA申請費用,但台灣申請ESTA只要14 USD啊!!)
2017年學生獎學金約有4000人申請,錄取657位 (約16%),international得獎者有61位,得獎者們來自58個國家以及美國45個州。以下是種族的統計:
- Hopper Program
- 會議志工統稱hopper,可以透過當會議的志工來參加GHC
- Google intern sponsorship
- 僅開放給google實習生
- Google Women Techmakers (WTM) GHC travel grant
- 似乎要得過WTM的獎學金才會收到申請表單。申請也須回答兩個問題 (用兩三句話回答)
- How has the WTM Scholars Program contributed to your experience as a woman in Tech?
- Please let us know why you want to attend the 2017 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.
- 似乎要得過WTM的獎學金才會收到申請表單。申請也須回答兩個問題 (用兩三句話回答)
- Anita’s Moonshot Codeathon
- 第一名獎品可獲得參加2018 GHC的全額補助
- Ladies-Storm-Hackathons 整理的scholarship清單
- 以下我只列出2017年台灣學生可申請的獎學金列表,明年大家也可以留意一下。
Scholarship | Opens | Deadline | Results Released | Eligibility |
Goldman Sachs Grace Hopper Scholarship | August 25, 2017 at 11:59pm EDT | September 18, 2017 | Student must be enrolled full time in a bachelors program at a four-year college or university. Graduation date: November 2017 to June 2019. Major can be Computer Science, Mathematics or a related STEM field. | |
Yext Grace Hopper Scholarship | August 1, 2017 at 12:00pm EDT | early September | The Yext sponsorship is designed to identify and support extraordinary rising college juniors (Class of 2019), seniors (Class of 2018), and graduate students who are preparing for a career in the Technology sector. Future Software Engineers, Product Managers, Project Managers, and UX/Visual Web Designers are encouraged to apply! | |
Twitter Grace Hopper Fellowship | July 25 | August 9, 2017 at 11:59pm PST | interviews August 22, final status September 8 | Interested in computer science, computer engineering, network security, or data science. Full-time student completing your undergraduate study in 2019 at a university or college. Available to attend the full duration of #GHC17 in Orlando, Florida from Tuesday, October 3 through Friday, October 6. |
Facebook GHC Scholarship | April 15 | June 19 | July 29 | Enrolled at an educational institution (high school through post-doc students) |
ABI Hoppers Program | May 13 | May 31 | July 7 | Work multiple shifts, up to eight non-consecutive hours spread over the three days of GHC. Attend an orientation and commit to assigned shifts. |
Best ACM-W Officer Contest | May 15 | Week of June 5 | ACM-W Officers | |
GHC Conference Scholarship | January 25 | March 8 | May 10 | Full time student in an accredited degree program at a college or university at the time of the conference |